Friday, February 26, 2010

Shadz playing Pearl Day!

Shadz will be opening for Point of Grace at Pearl Day on June 26th! Pearl Day is a great family oriented event held annually in Pearl, MS. More info on this fun event coming soon!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A couple more pics

These are from the Great Delta Bear Festival.

New pics!

These are pics from Shadz' last gig. They were playing for a Senior Adult Dance. It was a blast! They were a fun group to play for.

Ok. Here's some serious show prep!

This was too funny. They kept getting requests. Over and over and over. All the requests were for a waltz. Um, these guys aren't exactly the waltz band type, ya know?

So during a break they figured out that one song they play, Gravity by John Mayer is actually a waltz beat. They started playing it and about a minute into it, the dancers figured out it was a waltz. (Apparently none of them had ever heard John Mayer. I did mention it was a SENIOR citizen dance, didn't I?)

After much discussion among the band members, the consensus was that they could possibly pull off playing the Tennessee Waltz but they didn't know the words. We looked up the words on the internet with a cell phone and wrote them down on a piece of scrap paper. Not only did they pull it off, the dancers loved it! Thank goodness for technology!